Speeding Ticket Attorneys

Speeding Ticket Attorneys

I had my car on cruise control. I saw that it said 75. I always go that speed in this particular area of Texas, otherwise, you’ll get run over. So the officer wouldn’t hear of it. He said I was doing 83. There’s no way. My uncle suggests that I go to my car dealership and verify the cruise control is working fine. Once that’s verified get it in a letter form and send it along with a written declaration to the court.
I called the traffic clerk’s office. She didn’t seem very helpful at all. She said, “well they may not even look at your letter, but you can try.”speeding ticket attorneys
I still want to plead that I’m innocent of going 83. But I’m guilty of going 75 for sure. I’ll gladly pay that fine. The court date is December 22. I will be long gone from here by then. I’m moving in December back East with my wife. So it seems written declaration is my only option. More about Speeding Ticket Attorneys San Antonio

Ticket cost? 60.00 The state is cracking down hard and ticket prices range 60.00 on average and up. Gone are the days of 0.00 tickets here. I would also like to appear in court because the judge usually lowers the fine. This is horrible and I don’t know what to do! I requested an earlier court date and they don’t have one. I’m very scared!
I had the speedometer set at 75 because the speed limit was 75 for a while. We were on a long trip back. It had just dropped. I’m not denying I broke the law here people. All I’m saying is I was going 75 not 83.

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